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Monday, March 24, 2008

VPOD - Podcast with Governor Jim Gilmore

Jim Hoeft of Bearing Drift has a GREAT interview with Governor Jim Gilmore. I think Jim did a great job of covering a multitude of hot topics and not just focusing on the Bolling/McDonnell announcement. Good job Jim and Governor Gilmore!

Gov. Gilmore reacts to Lt. Gov. Bolling’s announcement to run for lieutenant governor vice governor, talks about party unity, his views on the economy, national security, FISA, social conservatism and more.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gilmore campaign corrects inaccurate AP story

March 19, 2008

Mr. Bob Lewis
The Associated Press, Capitol Bureau
State Capitol
Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Bob:

We would appreciate it if you would immediately correct the following factual errors and incorrect implications in your story about former Gov. Jim Gilmore and Everquest Financial which moved on the Associated Press wires last night and has been reprinted by several Virginia media outlets.

1. Everquest Financial is not, and has never been, "subsidiary" of Bear Sterns. It is an independent company.

2. Everquest has not and does not "market" high risk securities. It does not market securities; it buys and holds them in its portfolio.

3. The primary holdings of Everquest Financial are assets based on sound corporate loans.

4. Everquest is an asset management corporation. It is not a "hedge fund" and it does not operate a hedge fund.

5. As a result of sound management, Everquest is thriving and has earned $100 million in revenue for its shareholders.

6. When Jim Gilmore was Governor of Virginia, in the wake of 9/11 and a during a national recession, Jim Gilmore balanced the Virginia budget, gave working families $1.5 billion in tax cuts and left a record $1 billion in the state's Rainy Day Fund.

7. The deficit in the state budget, as defined by Mark Warner, was the difference between state revenues, which had decreased in the recession; and what Mark Warner wanted to spend in future years.

8. This shortfall in his spending plans is what Mark Warner used to justify raising taxes on working Virginians by $1.4 billion in 2003 - a year and a half after Jim Gilmore left office.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Dick Leggitt
Campaign Manager
Jim Gilmore for Senate

Cross-posted at SWAC Girl


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

LG Bolling and AG McDonnell endorse Jim Gilmore for Senate

Alexandria -- Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling and Attorney General Bob McDonnell announced today their support for former Gov. Jim Gilmore’s candidacy to the U.S. Senate.

“I am pleased to stand with Jim Gilmore in support of his candidacy for the United States Senate. I have known and worked with Jim Gilmore for many years. He is one of the most consistent and principled conservative leaders I have ever known. Jim Gilmore knows what he believes in, and he fights for it, when it’s easy and when it’s not. That’s the kind of leader we need representing us in the United States Senate,” declared Bolling.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket“As our United States Senator, we can count on Jim Gilmore to support our troops and keep American’s safe at home by winning the war on terror abroad. And we can count on Jim Gilmore to get our economy moving again by cutting taxes for families and businesses, reigning in wasteful government spending and reducing abusive regulation and litigation that stifle economic growth,” added Bolling.

“Many people believe that Mark Warner cannot be beaten, but they are wrong. The differences between Jim Gilmore and Mark Warner on important issues like the war on terror, taxes, spending, illegal immigration and protecting the values Virginians believe are very significant. When the people of Virginia fully understand the differences between these candidates, I am confident that they will vote to elect Jim Gilmore to the Unites States Senate,” concluded Bolling.

“Jim Gilmore has the experience and the leadership qualities we need working for us in Washington. When Senator John Warner concludes his service, the United States Senate will lose one of its foremost authorities on foreign policy and national security. It is imperative that the individual Virginia sends to succeed him is someone well versed on these issues, as national security is a critical issue for the people of Virginia and our nation. That individual is Jim Gilmore. Jim Gilmore stands alone in this race in his understanding of national security issues. His experiences as a veteran, as Governor during 9-11, and as Chairman of the highly respected Gilmore Commission, will serve him well as a United States Senator,” affirmed McDonnell.

“Jim is also a fiscal conservative, and he will be a tireless advocate for lower taxes, reduced federal spending, and the elimination of excessive government regulations. This is a crucial time in our nation’s history. Virginia must elect the most experienced and prepared candidate this November. It is clear that Jim Gilmore is that candidate, and I endorse his candidacy,” concluded McDonnell.

"I am grateful for the support of these two distinguished Virginia leaders. I look forward to working with them as we address the vital issues facing the citizens of our Commonwealth and work to revitalize the U.S. economy and promote growth and job creation through controlled spending and permanent federal tax cuts,” stated Gilmore.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Pro-family Jim Gilmore supported by leading conservatives

Open letter from leading Virginia conservatives:

We are writing today to ask you to join us in enthusiastically supporting a strong, pro-family conservative for the United States Senate, Governor Jim Gilmore.

Over the years, Jim Gilmore has stood for the sanctity of life and the preservation of traditional family values time and time again.

As Governor, Jim Gilmore:
· Successfully sought and worked for passage of a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking an abortion and signed that bill into law

· Successfully sought and worked for passage of legislation banning the horrific partial-birth abortions in Virginia

· Successfully worked for legislation requiring parental notification for minors seeking abortion.

· Created the Virginia Abstinence Initiative and dramatically increased funding for adoption services

· Worked for and signed into law legislation banning human cloning

· Went to court to try to prevent the removal of a feeding tube and save the life of coma victim Hugh Finn

· Fought for - even putting his legacy and reputation on the line - tax and spending policies that favored Virginia families, not Virginia government.
Governor Jim Gilmore has continued working for Virginia's families, campaigning for the Marriage Amendment to the Virginia Constitution and against job-killing sales and income tax increases.

As our United States Senator, Jim Gilmore will continue to work for our shared values. He will fight to protect traditional marriage through an amendment to the Constitution and oppose attempts by the new Democrat majority to use our taxpayer's dollars to fund elective abortions.

Jim Gilmore will work tirelessly to make the pro-family, pro-job tax cuts permanent and will champion limits on the growth of spending which is robbing our children of their futures.

Jim Gilmore will work to restore some common sense to a federal government that wants to remove God from everything, yet allow almost anything else on network television.

Jim Gilmore will support judges who apply the law, not judges who want to write the law. Governor Jim Gilmore has a record that will motivate pro-family voters to turn out in this election.

And, importantly, Governor Jim Gilmore is the one candidate who can defeat Mark Warner in November.

Think about all of those issues we have mentioned above, and many others. What would a Senator Mark Warner do? Well, we need look no further than his record as a candidate and as a Governor.

Will Mark Warner support pro-life legislation when it comes time to vote?

Will Mark Warner support an amendment to the Constitution supporting traditional marriage?

Will Mark Warner vote for cutting taxes and spending to create jobs and help our families?

Will Mark Warner have the courage to stand up against the liberal leaders of the Democrat Party when it is the right thing to do?

We think you know the answer to those questions already. There is so much at stake in this election. Too much at stake not to unite - and unite now - behind the one conservative candidate with both a proven record and a chance to win.

That man is Governor Jim Gilmore. We have closed ranks behind him and ask you to join us and to invite others to do so. Now is the time to prepare for this important battle.

Can we count on you?

Yours for Life,

Trixie Averill
Western Vice Chairwoman

Helen Blackwell
Republican Party of Virginia Central Committee

Morton Blackwell
Republican Party National Committeeman

James Atticus Bowden
Former 1st Congressional District Republican Chairman

Linwood Cobb
7th Congressional District Republican Chairman

Patsy Drain
Republican Party of Virginia Central Committee

Louise D. Hartz
Former President, Virginia Society for Human Life

Rick Hendrix
Republican Party of Virginia Central Committee

Delegate Bill Janis
Virginia House of Delegates

Bill Kincaid
Longtime Pro-Life Activist

Delegate Scott Lingamfelter
Virginia House of Delegates

Laura Uzzell Logie
Longtime Pro-Life Activist

Senator Steve Martin
Senate of Virginia

Bobby May
Former Buchanan GOP Chair & Long Time Activist

Bruce Meyer
2nd Congressional District Republican Chairman

Lynn Mitchell
Republican Party of Virginia Central Committee

Senator Steve Newman
Senate of Virginia

Delegate Brenda Pogge
Virginia House of Delegates

Robert Stuber
Spotsylvania County Republican Chairman

Michael Thomas
First Vice Chair, Republican Party of Virginia

John Van Hoy
Republican Party of Virginia Central Committee

Michael Wade
3rd Congressional District Republican Chairman

Kristi Way
Republican Party of Virginia Central Committee

Cross-posted at SWAC Girl
Jim Gimore for Senate


Jim Gilmore receives standing ovations from State Central Committee

When Jim Gilmore was announced at Saturday's RPV State Central Committee meeting, the entire room rose to its feet to applaud for this Virginia leader.

Jim Gilmore ... former governor, attorney general, commonwealth attorney ... this man led Virginia through 9/11, chaired the Gilmore Commission on terrorism, and served in Army intelligence.

Governor Gilmore addressed the Central Committee with a positive "We-will-win!" attitude that was infectious and roused the crowd to applause and shouts of "Yes!" as he emphasized that Virginia WILL carry John McCain, Virginia WILL defeat Mark Warner, and Virginia WILL remain a red state.

After four statewide losses we need to get back on our feet ... and ways to do that are to help the campaigns, display bumper stickers, donate whatever you can -- no amount is too small -- and work the ground in your part of the state, he added. He stressed the need for a strong Republican leader to take on Mark Warner in the U.S. Senate race this fall, and said his campaign is well on its way with campaign workers in key locations statewide.

The Governor concluded by saying he has picked up key supporters nationwide, he has been raising money at fundraisers, and he stressed the importance of this race to the nation because of the Senate balance ... the need to keep Virginia from being represented by two Democrats.

He received another standing ovation after completing his remarks as many in the room recognized a leader who should go back into leadership as the next U.S. Senator from Virginia.

Jim Gilmore For Senate
Cross-posted at SWAC Girl


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