Washington Times: "Gilmore shoots down gun-show control talk"
Former Gov. Jim Gilmore, a Republican, sent a letter to Republican leaders yesterday in which he criticized Gov. Tim Kaine's push to close the so-called gun show loophole.Kaine addressed the issue in his State of the State Address last week, stirring up gun activists who disagree with the governor:
Since the speech, gun-rights activists have accused Mr. Kaine of distorting the Virginia Tech tragedy, where 32 students and faculty where killed by a student with mental illness, to make it seem as if the "loophole" had something to do with the massacre. They say and Mr. Kaine agrees that the law would not have stopped the gunman from buying the guns he used in the massacre.
In his letter to Speaker Howell, Gilmore points to a 2001 study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that less than one percent of guns used in crimes have come from gun shows.
H/T to Carl Kilo
Cross-posted to SWAC Girl
Jim Gilmore for Senate
Labels: Bloggers 4 Gilmore, Jim Gilmore for Senate 2008, Virginia politics
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